Eighth ethical theory: Natural Law

The basis of duties and rights are natural law.
St. Thomas defines law as the ordinance of reason promulgated by one who has care of the community in order to serve the common good.

Kinds of Law

1. Eternal Law - is the infinite wisdom of God ordering everything according to its end.

God has a reason because He is intelligent but not rational.
Because it is something that moves from what is unknown to the known.
God knows everything
Ergo, God is not rational.

2. Natural Law - is man's participation of the eternal law. Our comprehension of the eternal law of God. We recognize it by our experience of human nature.

Human nature has three levels:
  1. Vegetative - we share something of plant life. It concerns survival.
  2. Animal - we have tendencies to be animalistic. It concerns the propagation of species.
  3. Rational - concern of upbringing of children, socialization skills, thirst for knowledge, knowledge of God.
critics of Natural Law
  1. considers nature as paradigm for morality. for some philosopher it involves a fallacy, a naturalistic fallacy. "is" = "ought" a thing does not necessarily that it should be. others see it as not a fallacy instead see a thing is then it should be. a marker is for writing then write.
  2. Natural Law is based on theistic principles.


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Seventh ethical theory: Rights ethics

We have duties all because others have rights. Every duty has corresponding rights. The basis of rights are law and nature. What is in nature is provided by law.

  • nature - human rights
  • law - legal rights
  • nature - right to liberty
  • law - right to vote
Theory of Rights

St. Thomas - rights are given due to one's involvement or belongingness to a community.
Hugo Grotius - rights are attached to the person and does not depend on human relations. Inherent moral qualities that are attached to a person.

John Locke - right to life, health, liberty, and property

US Declaration of Independence - right to life , liberty and pursuit to happiness.

French revolution - right to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression

critics of rights
  1. rights are self evident
  2. not all people are capable of asserting the rights
  3. no guidelines on how to handle conflicting rights
  4. rights require maturity
  5. not all rights are morally correct.
  6. In the movie 'The Island', I have the right to use my own cells. Therefore I have the right to use my body. so it validates cloning. However, it invalidates cloning when there are individual clones since they have also the right.
  7. rights ethics is debatable if it is valid or not concerning cloning.


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Sixth ethical theory: Deontology

From the greek word deon meaning duty or obligation. A moral theory which is based on duty. Immanuel Kant is the proponent of this theory. He argues that to be in a morally right way one must act according to duty. Further he argues that it is the motives of the person who does the action which makes an action morally right and not the consequences of an action.

Deontologists who are also moral absolutists believe that some actions are wrong no matter what consequences follow from them. Immanuel Kant, for example, famously argued that it is always wrong to lie – even if a murderer is asking for the location of a potential victim.

Immanuel Kant begins with an argument that the highest good must be both good in itself, and good without qualification.

according to Kant, goodness depends on rightness. How?

Kant's three significant formulations of the categorical imperative are:

  • Act only according to that maxim by which you can also will that it would become a universal law.
  • Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end.
  • Act as though you were, through your maxims, a law-making member of a kingdom of ends.
to put simply, man has a duty on another person. respect the person and see that person as an end and not a means to an end.

critics of Deontology
  1. no guidelines for conflicting duties.
  2. act according only to the maxim which you can at the same time will to be universal.
  3. categorical imperative which are immoral but can be justified are the following: death penalty, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, premarital sex, divorce, masturbation, gambling.
  4. In the movie 'The Island', technology imposes on you a duty to use for the good of the people so it validates cloning.


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Fifth ethical theory: Utilitarianism

This theory is similar to Ethical Egoism but on a larger scale. If Ethical Egoism concerns on the individual then Utilitarianism concerns on the society.

Principle of utility: the greatest good for the greatest number of people. It is also called the greatest happiness principle.

Good here means happiness. Happiness is defined as pleasure or the absence of pain.

It is thus a form of consequentialism that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome.

Somewhat related to Machiavelli's "The end justifies the means."

Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill advocate this kind of principle.

The Jeremy Bentham (left photo) reduces utilitarianism into mathematical theory in which a person can calculate his pleasure. Bentham is more of quantitative.

John Stuart Mill (above photo) is a student of Bentham who argues that that cultural, intellectual and spiritual pleasures are of greater value than mere physical pleasure because the former would be valued higher than the latter by competent judges. A competent judge, according to Mill, is anyone who has experienced both the lower pleasures and the higher. His famous quote was, "it is better to be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied". Mill focuses on spiritual pleasure. Mill is more of qualitative.

Jeremy Bentham = 100 person is better than 1 person
John Stuart Mill = 1 Einstein is better than 100 retarded children

There is more to physical pleasure.

critics of Utilitarianism
  1. In the movie "The Island", cloning is justified by a utilitarian point of world view and so cloning is valid.
  2. Judging actions solely in terms of their consequences is incompatible with a foundational and universally-binding concept of justice.
  3. This theory can't solve real-world ethical problems when various inviolable principles collide, like triage or the rightness or otherwise of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  4. ethical theories should not be based on the greatest number. The least is as equal as the other. Everyone has the right to live so the end does not justify the means.


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Fourth ethical theory: Ethical egoism

This theory is also a cognitive theory. While Cultural Relativism and Ethical Subjectivism are both subjective and lacks rational evaluation, the Ethical Egoism is objective.

objective presupposition is reason as common good.

In order to avoid confusion let me define some keywords:

idiot - adults who think like a child at the age of 3 yrs old below.
moron - adults who think like a child between the ages 8-12 yrs. old.

- selfish person, thinks of himself, can tolerate of one apprentice or servant
egoist - looking for best self interest, calculative, willful, serving others can reach to an ultimate goal.

Most of us are egoist. Egoist people will always find pleasure and happiness for the self. Everything that is best for the self. Egoist people help others as long as by helping them makes the egoist feel good.

However, the egotist is selfish and doesn't want to share that good to others. The egotist however can tolerate up to one apprentice.

altruism - doing good things to others
individualism - stand on one's own; independent from others

Ethical egoism encourages the development of self esteem.

critics of Ethical egoism
  1. You can't disseminate goodness to everyone.
  2. You limit your goodness to those persons who could reciprocate goodness also.
  3. You will be frustrated if you don't get what you expected for.
  4. In the movie "The island", the clients did not know the individual clone. They think that it came from their cell and so they have the right to their body. Thus they validate cloning.


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Third ethical theory: Cultural Relativism

This theory is cognitive and subjective too. Ethical Subjectivism is base on the individual experiences while the Cultural relativism is base on cultural experiences.

The justification of the human acts are base on the opinions, beliefs and knowledge of the culture of the community which we hold to be true and correct.

for instance our culture of eating 'balut' (broiled ducks egg), it is just so easy for us to eat 'balut while other foreigners won't eat this kind of food. However, this is not a moral case. To make it a valid case instead of balut change it to a fetus. Rumors said that in some cultures a fetus is widely accepted and categorized as a food. They can be spotted and be bought in the marketplace even in broad daylight.

example of cultures that are justified in one community but neglected in the other are the ff:

  1. cannibalism
  2. same sex marriage
  3. cloning
  4. women as property
  5. slavery
  6. suicide bombings
  7. human sacrifice or offerings
  8. ethnic cleansing
  9. etc.

critics of cultural relativism
  1. Culture can't be an absolute criterion. Different cultures can cause conflicts.
  2. Oppressive tendency
  3. Disastrous for the weak and the defenseless.
  4. In the movie "The Island", if its a culture that values life then it invalidates cloning. But if its culture is utilitarianism with the use of the maximum technology then it validates cloning as it was mentioned 'the new american dream'.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
-Edmund Burke


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Second ethical theory: Ethical Subjectivism

Unlike emotivism, this is a cognitive theory. Ethical subjectivism is a subjective type of moral theory.

are you familiar with the statement "No matter what they tell you, you'll believe what you think its true."?

Human acts are justified on the basis of the beliefs and opinions which we hold to be true and correct. Experiences base on beliefs, opinions and knowledge.

"so long as I say what I believe is right.

"I say" is an action
"what I believe is right" is an opinion.

It is true because you believe in it. You must believe it because its true. The behavior is a product solely of one's cause.

We are also subject to our wills.

Ethical subjectivism is the affirmation of freedom.

I believe therefore I act
I experienced therefore I believe
I act therefore I am free
I am therefore I experience.

critics of Ethical Subjectivism
  1. Not all moral beliefs are correct. It has to be correct prior to your belief. It must be correct objectively and not subjectively. Evidence must be facts and not state of affairs that we believe to be true.
  2. Disastrous for the weak and defenseless.
  3. Ignores the fact that we are not products of our experience. We are not subjects of our experiences. We must go beyond this experience and examine it.
  4. In the movie "The Island" Dr. Merrick says he's doing what he thinks is right for the future. So he thinks it's good. It validates cloning.


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First ethical theory: Emotivism

This theory claims that there are no moral truths. An action is based only in the feeling and emotions of the person. So what is good or bad depends on the feelings. A.J Ayer is the main proponent of emotivism. He belongs to the school of Logical Positivism. It states that language should have corresponding action to reality ex. the term table has a corresponding existence in reality but the term good has no corresponing existence in reality.

Ayer states " It is worth mentioning that ethical terms do not serve only to express feelings. They are calculated to arouse feelings, and so to stimulate action. Indeed, some of them are used in such way as to give the sentence in which they occur the effects of command. Thus, the sentence " it is your duty to tell the truth" may be regarded both as expression of the command to tell the truth.

The conclusion is that there is no really objective truth but it depends only on feelings and emotion.

critics of emotivism

There is no moral knowledge because ethics can't be reduced to ethical moral truths.

In the movie "The island", emotivism will not say anything either moral or immoral because they don't believe in moral statements.
The client does not illicit horror from cloning because they did not know about the actions in the facility.


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General Ethics theories

These are my notes taken from the General Ethics course of Msgr. Dennis Villarojo.

These are several Ethical Theories that propose a definition of good and justification of human action.

First is Emotivism that claims there are no moral truths. An action is based only in the feeling and emotions of the person. So what is good or bad depends on the feelings. A.J Ayer is the main proponent of emotivism. He belongs to the school of Logical Positivism. It states that language should have corresponding action to reality ex. the term table has a corresponding existence in reality but the term good has no corresponing existence in reality.

Ayer states " It is worth mentioning that ethical terms do not serve only to express feelings. They are calculated to arouse feelings, and so to stimulate action. Indeed, some of them are used in such way as to give the sentence in which they occur the effects of command. Thus, the sentence " it is your duty to tell the truth" may be regarded both as expression of the command to tell the truth.

The conclusion is that there is no really objective truth but it depends only on feelings and emotion.

Second is Ethical Subjectivism. It states that moral truths are based only on personal experience. One is right in his actions and be respected of his actions because that what is his opinion and that is what he experiences.

Nietzsche advocated this kind of thinking. He says that to follow the tradition, the society and others is immoral. The individual should follow what his opinion tells so. Existentialism also advocates this kind of belief that man defines himself and live according to what he believes. Existence precedes essence.

Third is the Ethical Egoism. It presupposes that reason is the only means to know something including moral truths. So, it advocates that person must act according to their self best interest by using reason.
Ayn Rand is the main proponent of this kind of thinking. She advocates the rational self-interest and also she has a book entitled The Virtue of Selfishness.

Fourth is Utilitarianism. It is similar to Ethical Egoism but on a larger scale. If Ethical Egoism concerns on the individual then Utilitarianism concerns the society. Their slogan is " the greater net happiness for all".

Jeremy Bentham and Joohn Stuart Mill advocate this kind of system. The former reduces utilitarianism into mathematical theory in which a person can calculate his pleasure but the latter focuses on spiritual pleasure. So, Bentham is more of quantitative while Mill is more of qualitative.

Fifth is Deontology. The basis for its morality is duty. Immanuel Kant is the proponent of this system. He regards duty as absolute.

Sixth is the Rights Ethics. This is just the other side of Deontology. Rights Ethics emphasizes on the rights of the individual.

Seventh is the Natural Law Ethics. Cicero advocates that true law is right reason in agreement with nature, it is of universal application and everlasting, it summons to duty by its commands and averts from wrong doing its prohibitions.

Lastly is the Virtue Ethics. It advocates habits that dispose to good actions. Intellectaul virtues: science, wisdom, prudence and habits of first principle. Moral virtues; prudence, justice, fortitude and temeprance. These are beleif that Virtue Ethics advocates.

These are just some of the Ethical Theories. There are some maybe that I have not included but these are the most common ones.

now watch this movie and relate what you have learned.

The Island Movie Synopsis

Lincoln Six-Echo (McGregor) and Jordan Two-Delta (Johansson) are among the hundreds of residents of a contained facility in the mid-21st century. Like all of the inhabitants of this carefully controlled environment, everything about their day-to-day lives is monitored, seemingly for their own good. The only way out -- and the hope they all share -- is to be chosen to go to The Island, reportedly the last uncontaminated spot in the world following an ecological disaster that took the lives of everyone on the planet... except them.

Recently plagued by unexplained nightmares, Lincoln is restless and increasingly questioning of the restrictions placed on his life. But he is unprepared for the truth when his growing curiosity leads to the terrible discovery that everything about his existence is a lie, that The Island is a cruel hoax... and that he, Jordan and everyone they know are actually more valuable dead than alive. With time running out, Lincoln and Jordan make a daring escape to the outside world they've never known. Once they are away from the prying eyes of the institute, the innocent friendship the two shared begins to deepen into something more. But with the forces of the institute relentlessly hunting them down, Lincoln and Jordan have one overriding mission: to live.


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General ethics: what makes an action good?

ethical theories deal with the words

  • good
  • evil
  • end
  • happiness
Why is an action good? what makes it good? what is good?
Man's nature is to seek for justification and finality. Through reason we will both arrive at a conclusion only if you follow me and i hope we have the same conclusion.

  • justification - reasons for human actions. It gives importance on the action.
  • finality or teleology - we will be using the teleological approach of Aristotle and St. Thomas. it means end. what is the end of man? everything tends towards a purpose. teleology gives importance on the being, the man.
greek term 'tele' - what is the proper end of man?
Think of purpose as nature and not only tendency but operations as what they are.

Nature has its own operation and it do not serve man.

Man must know the operations of man. 'Man's nature is to seek for justification and finality.'

Now in these series of posts we will discuss all of the following one by one:
  1. Emotivism (non cognitive)
  2. Ethical subjectivisim (cognitive and subjective)
  3. Cultural relativism (cognitive and subjective)
  4. Ethical egoism (cognitive and objective)
  5. Utilitarianism
  6. Deontology
  7. Rights ethics
  8. Natural law ethics
  9. Virtue ethics

Be with me and know how to justify an action if it is good or evil.

Invest time in learning. Good day.


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Satan's Conversion: possible or probable?

One morning in the chapel, during the meditation, I was reading a book containing the homilies of Msgr. Socrates Villegas at the Edsa Shrine. I found his homilies a great aid to prayer. They moved my heart and elevated my mind because they were always well prepared. I am sure that the preparation that goes into each of Msgr. Villegas' homilies is evident in the soundness of doctrine, coherence of ideas, and the propriety of expression. His homilies reminded me of supernatural truths, which were the surest, and the most secure guide for our Christian life. As I was reading one of his homilies, I was struck by a certain passage, which says:

"Do you believe in the grace of God? If you do, how come you have closed yourself by passing judgment on others so easily? If you still believe in the grace of God, you must believe that the worst sinner can still convert." With that, I then arrive at an idea of the conversion of the worst sinner who is Satan himself to Catholicism. And if that happens, then for sure. . .the majority, if not all, will be saved.

Lucifer, a.k.a Satan, was an archangel before he rebelled and rose to power. He was in charge of the light in the universe. Among the angels and archangels, he was the most powerful. He was next to the throne of God. Thus, he wanted to be like God. He wanted to be the Supreme Being He wanted to reign God's creation - all because of his pride. He was a fallen archangel.

The idea, I think, of the conversion of Satan is possible. Every creation of God, I believe, is good. Satan is one of God's creations. Therefore Satan is good. I can't think of Satan as the other Alpha and the Omega. And with that, I know that change is possible.

On second thought one of my classmates opposes to my idea that according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, it is impossible. "Pure spirits are unforgivable. It is the irrevocable character of their choice and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, which makes the angels' sin unforgivable. 'There is no repentance for the angels after their fall , just as there is no repentance for men after death'." But who are these authors who are only mere humans to judge? Why don't they leave that to God alone?

Somehow I notice that there is a similarity between Satan's story and the prodigal son: Satan as the (original) prodigal son who is lost and, perhaps, longing to be found; that after experiencing all the pleasures of how is it to be like God and to be the Supreme Being of the dark side, he perhaps will realize that there is much greater joy in God's presence and care than to be in darkness without God; and also God as the Father who perhaps is also looking for his long-lost son, which is Satan; and we, the people, are the jealous brother who thinks of the prodigal son not deserving of God's love.
So Satan's conversion is possible or probable? have you wondered why no one asks this question? the answer is no one is interested. we are just like the jealous brother who doesn't care of him. But come to think of it, his conversion ends all misery.

for argument sake, Satan wants to go back to God.

the next important question is . . . will God the Father who of infinite chances, of infinite opportunities and of infinite mercy forgives Satan?

If only the conversion of Satan will be realized, I could already imagine all the people in the world will be living harmoniously: there will be no war, drug addiction, graft and corruption, prostitution, etc. Thus, instead of praying for world peace, I might as well be praying for the conversion of Satan who is the root of all evil.

In addition, I could imagine that there will be great changes in the Church: the seven sacraments will be reduced to five sacraments only such as : Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Holy Matrimony, and the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist, I think, will focus more on appraising the Lord since there is no need to preach the Gospel.

As a final point, I do realize that it is up to God who to forgive. Only God knows what to decide - not us.


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First Confession

A parish priest was being honored at a dinner on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his arrival in that parish. A leading local politician, who was a member of the congregation, was chosen to make the presentation and give a litttle speech at the dinner, but he was delayed in traffice, so the priest decided to say his own few words while they waited.

'you will understand, ' he said, 'the seal of the confessional, can never be broken. However, i got my first impressions of the parish from the first confession I heard here. I can only hint vaquely about this, but when i came here twenty-five years ago I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place. the very first chap who entered my confessional told me how he had stolen a television set, and when stopped by the police, had almost murdered the officer. Further, he told me he had stolen money from his parents, embezzled money from his place of business, had an affair with his boss's wife, taken illegal drugs, and gave VD to his sister. I was appalled. But as the days went on I knew that my people were not all like that, and I had, indeed come to a fine parish full of understanding and loving people.'

just as the priest finished his talk, the politician arrived full of apologies at being late. He immediately began to make the presentation and give his talk 'i'll never forget the first day our parish priest arrived in this parish, ' said the politician. 'in fact, i had the honor of being the first one to go to him in confession.'



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